Shirley Zhang 张海伦

Shortcuts XML document

Document to Interpret Shortcut plist File


<plist version = "1.0">
      # Actions
      <!-- .... -->


WFWorkflowActions: Where all the actions in a Shortcut located. Ordered by visual order. The content is array of dict;

Inner structure for each dict:

  • <dict>
      <string>action name, e.g. is.workflow.actions.comment</string>
        <!-- Some content or parameter depending on type of actions -->

WFWorkflowClientVersion: Client version of which app the current Shortcut is shared on

WFWorkflowHasOutputFallback: This key is specific to the Shortcuts app and is used to indicate that a workflow has a fallback mechanism for its output. If the primary output method fails, the workflow will attempt an alternative method to ensure some output is generated. (TODO: update)

WFWorkflowHasShortcutInputVariables: This key indicates whether a workflow has input variables that can be set or modified by shortcuts. (TODO: update)

WFWorkflowIcon: is used to specify the icon associated with a workflow in the Shortcuts app on iOS and macOS. Contain a dict.

Inner structure of this key:

  • ``````xml WFWorkflowIconGlyphNumber 59801 WFWorkflowIconImageData WFWorkflowIconStartColor 4292093695

WFWorkflowImportQuestions: defines the questions that will be asked when a workflow is imported. Users can input their preference value and which will be substituted into Shortcut. Normally contains contents in “Configure a Shortcut” Page when user want to add a Shortcut to their device. Contains an array of dict.

Inner structure of this key:

  • ``````xml WFWorkflowImportQuestions WFImportQuestionIdentifier Username WFImportQuestionType Text WFImportQuestionPrompt Enter your username: WFImportQuestionDefaultAnswer

WFWorkflowInputContentItemClasses: things Shortcut accept as input. Contains an array of string.

  • <array>
      <string>WFAppContentItem</string> <!-- Represent Apps on device -->
      <string>WFAppStoreAppContentItem</string> <!-- Represent content from App store -->
      <string>WFArticleContentItem</string> <!-- Represent an article -->
      <string>WFContactContentItem</string> <!-- Represent contact information -->
      <string>WFDateContentItem</string> <!-- Represent date information -->
      <string>WFEmailAddressContentItem</string> <!-- Represent email address -->
      <string>WFFolderContentItem</string> <!-- Represent local folder -->
      <string>WFGenericFileContentItem</string> <!-- Represent generic files -->
      <string>WFImageContentItem</string> <!-- Represent images -->
      <string>WFiTunesProductContentItem</string> <!-- Represent iTunes products -->
      <string>WFLocationContentItem</string> <!-- Represent location data -->
      <string>WFDCMapsLinkContentItem</string> <!-- Represent map links -->
      <string>WFAVAssetContentItem</string> <!-- Represent audio-based assets -->
      <string>WFPDFContentItem</string> <!-- Represent PDF files -->
      <string>WFPhoneNumberContentItem</string> <!-- Represent phone numbers -->
      <string>WFRichTextContentItem</string> <!-- Represent rich text -->
      <string>WFSafariWebPageContentItem</string> <!-- Represent web pages from Safari -->
      <string>WFStringContentItem</string> <!-- Represent string data -->
      <string>WFURLContentItem</string> <!-- Represent URLs -->

WFWorkflowMinimumClientVersion: The minimum client version the current Shortcut can be imported. Value is integer.

WFWorkflowMinimumClientVersionString: The minimum client version the current Shortcut can be imported. Value is string, same as previous one.

WFWorkflowOutputContentItemClasses: Specifies the type of things can be generated as output for current output. Value is an array of string.

  • <key>WFWorkflowOutputContentItemClasses</key>
        <!-- etc -->

WFWorkflowTypes: specifies the contexts in which a workflow can run within the Shortcuts app on iOS and macOS. This key contains an array of strings, each representing a different type of environment or extension where the workflow can be executed. (TODO: update)

  • <array>
        <string>NCWidget</string> <!-- Represent can run in a Today View widget -->
        <string>WatchKit</string> <!-- Represent can run in Apple Watch -->
        <string>ActionExtension</string> <!-- Represent can be triggered from an action extension, such as from the share sheet -->



Common format of actions: each action is a <dict>

  <string></string> <!-- action name -->
    <!-- parameters -->

is.workflow.actions.dictionary: A diction form.